Tuesday 13 December 2016

Basic 6 goods of Ninja

Ninja was always carrying six spy tools.These 6 tools didn't arouse suspicion because a general person carried around, too.


This is called a "Inro".This is portable medicine case.Several kinds of medicine can be carried.Ninja carried various medications such as ointment and stomach medicine, cell food, poison.Medicine was a necessity in sickness and injured explanation in the outdoor activities and the long invasion.


The shade knitted by a sedge and straw.
It was used in order to hide a face so that it won't be disclosed to an enemy.

wearing Amigasa

Sekihitsu (Rouseki)

Sekihitsu is like a present-day chalk.It was possible to note down a mark and the character in the various material.It was used when giving information to an ally. 

Sanshaku Tenugui

It's a Japanese towel over 110 centimeters.It's made of cotton.It was used for various purpose and was necessary for a Ninja.It becomes a protector when fighting unarmed. The wet Japanese towel became arms like a whip. Besides also it was used for a bandage ,hiding a face, and was used to make drinking water from muddy water.


The one which put a source of fire in the bamboo tube.Although fire can light quickly, the fire cannot be maintained for a long time. It was used as heating pad.


Use the metal hooks attached to the end of the rope, throwing like a lasso to the target.Use to climb on the roof and across the moat of the Castle.Can be used as a tool to overpower your opponent with a rope.When brandished, it also became arms like a chained sickle. 


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